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Cyphononyx antarctica (Linnaeus, 1767)

Sphex antarctica Linnaeus, 1767:944, sex not indicated.Cap. b. Spei.; Day, 1979Day, M.C. 1979. The species of Hymenoptera described by Linnaeus in the genera Sphex, Chrysis, Vespa, Apis and Mutilla. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 12:45-84.:50, Holotype ♀, ad Cap. b. Spei, ? (MLU). - Day, 1979Day, M.C. 1979. The species of Hymenoptera described by Linnaeus in the genera Sphex, Chrysis, Vespa, Apis and Mutilla. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 12:45-84.:50 ( listed as synonym of Cyphononyx flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)); Wahis, 2000Wahis, R. 2000. Hyménoptères aculéates du Yemen (Pompiliae, Vespidae). Not. faun. Gembloux 41:73-100.:75 (listed); Wahis, 2003Wahis, R. 2003. Sur quelques Pompilides peu connus de la collection Dahlbom appartenant aux genres Cyphononyx et Leptodialepis (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae; Pepsinae). Not. faun. Gembloux 51:59-70.:63 (listed). - As Cyphononyx antarctica: - Wahis, 2000Wahis, R. 2000. Hyménoptères aculéates du Yemen (Pompiliae, Vespidae). Not. faun. Gembloux 41:73-100. (distribution), 75 (fauna, listed); Wahis, 2003Wahis, R. 2003. Sur quelques Pompilides peu connus de la collection Dahlbom appartenant aux genres Cyphononyx et Leptodialepis (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae; Pepsinae). Not. faun. Gembloux 51:59-70.:62 (listed).
Sphex flavicornis Fabricius, 1781:450, sex not indicated.Malabaria (Mus. Dom. Banks). - Fabricius, 1787Fabricius, J.C. 1787. Mantissa insectorum sistens species nuper detectas adiectis characteribus genericis, differentiis specificis, emendationibus, observationibus. Tome I. Proft, Hafniae [=Copenhagen]. 348 pp.:277 (listed); Fabricius, 1793Fabricius, J.C. 1793. Entomologia Systematica emendata et aucta. Vol. 2. Christian Gottlieb Proft, Hafniae. viii + 519 pp.:217 (listed); Fabricius, 1804Fabricius, J.C. 1804. Systema Piezatorum secundum Ordines, Genera, Species adiectis Synonymis, Locis, Observationibus, Descriptionibus. Apud Carolum Reichard, Brunsvigae. xiv + 440 + 30 pp.:216 (listed); Dalla Torre, 1897Dalla Torre, C.G. 1897. Catalogus hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Volumen VIII: Fossores (Sphegidae). Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig. 1-749.:215 ( listed as synonym of Salius bretonii (Guérin, 1844)); Turner, 1918Turner, R.E. 1918. Notes on Fossorial Hymenoptera. - XXXIV. On Ethiopian Psammocharidae in the British Museum. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History ser. 9: v. 1:349-356.:350 (listed); Arnold, 1932Arnold, G. 1932. The Psammocharidae (olim Pompilidae) of the Ethiopian region. Part I. Subfamily Pepsinae. Ann. Transvaal Mus. 14:284-396.:300 (listed); Pate, 1946Pate, V.S.L. 1946. The generic names of the spider wasps (Psammocharidae olim Pompiloidae) and their type species. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 72:65-137.:82 (listed); Wahis, 2000Wahis, R. 2000. Hyménoptères aculéates du Yemen (Pompiliae, Vespidae). Not. faun. Gembloux 41:73-100.:75 ( listed as synonym of Cyphononyx antarctica (Linnaeus, 1767)); Vardy, 2005Vardy, C.R. 2005. The New World tarantula-hawk wasp genus Pepsis Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Part 3. The P. inclyta- to P. auriguttata-groups. Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden 79 (5):1-305.:288 (listed). - As Cyphononyx flavicornis: - Dahlbom, 1845Dahlbom, A.G. 1845. Hymenoptera Europaea Praecipue Borealia-per familias, genera, species et varietates disposita atque descripta. Sphex Linn. Fasciculus III.: Crabronidarum continuatio et finis, Supplementum I. 353-528. (distribution), 462 (listed); Gribodo, 1884Gribodo, G. 1884. Spedizione Italiana nell' Africa`equatoriale. Risultati zoologici.-Imenotteri. Memoria Secunda. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova Giacomo Doria 2 (1):277-325.:308 (listed); Gribodo, 1884Gribodo, G. 1884. Viaggio ad Assab nel Mar Rosso, die signori G. Doria ed O. Beccari con il R. Avviso (Esploratore) dal 16 Novembre 1879 al 26 Febbraio 1880. III. Imenotteri. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova Giacomo Doria 1 (20):381-392.:386 (listed); Magretti, 1884Magretti, P. 1884. Risultati di raccolte imenotterologiche nell' Africa orientale. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova Giacomo Doria ser. 2 (v. 21):523-636. (distribution), 567 (listed); Dalla Torre, 1897Dalla Torre, C.G. 1897. Catalogus hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Volumen VIII: Fossores (Sphegidae). Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig. 1-749.:215 ( listed as synonym of Salius bretonii (Guérin, 1844)); Kohl, 1906Kohl, F.F. 1906. Zoologische Ergebnisse der Expedition der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften nach Südarabien und Sokotra im Jahre 1898-1899. Hymenopteren. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw. Kl. 71:169-301.:263 ( listed as synonym of Cyphononyx bretonii (Guérin, 1844)); Turner, 1918Turner, R.E. 1918. Notes on Fossorial Hymenoptera. - XXXIV. On Ethiopian Psammocharidae in the British Museum. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History ser. 9: v. 1:349-356.:350 (listed); Arnold, 1932Arnold, G. 1932. The Psammocharidae (olim Pompilidae) of the Ethiopian region. Part I. Subfamily Pepsinae. Ann. Transvaal Mus. 14:284-396.:300 (listed); Haupt, 1950Haupt, H. 1950. Pompilidae (Hymenoptera Sphecoidea). Exploration du Parc National Albert. Mission G. F. De Witte (1933-1935) 69:1-63. (distribution), 25 (distribution); Priesner, 1955Priesner, H. 1955. A review of the Pompilidae of Egypt (Hymenoptera). Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 39:1-215. (distribution), 29 (listed); Haupt, 1962Haupt, H. 1962. The Pompilidae of Israel. Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel 11B:1-70. (distribution), 5 (fauna [Israel]); Priesner, 1966Priesner, H. 1966. On some Pompilidae of Israel. Israel J. Ent. 1:89-154. (distribution); Wolf, 1966Wolf, H. 1966. Pompiliden aus der Sammlung A. Giordani Soika (Hym. Pompilidae) II. Boll. Mus. Civ. Sto. Nat. Venezia 17:47-56. (distribution); Vardy, 2005Vardy, C.R. 2005. The New World tarantula-hawk wasp genus Pepsis Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Part 3. The P. inclyta- to P. auriguttata-groups. Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden 79 (5):1-305.:288 (listed); Koçak & Kemal, 2015Koçak, A.Ö. & M. Kemal 2015. Hymenoptera of Turkey. Priamus (Suppl.) 38:1-393. (distribution). - As Cyphononyx flavicornis: - Radoszkowski, 1888Radoszkowski, O. 1888. Révision des armures copulatrices des mâles de la famille Pompilidae. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 2:462-493. (distribution), 470 (description male, listed); Kohl, 1906Kohl, F.F. 1906. Zoologische Ergebnisse der Expedition der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften nach Südarabien und Sokotra im Jahre 1898-1899. Hymenopteren. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw. Kl. 71:169-301. (distribution), 264 (listed); Junco y Reyes, 1943Junco y Reyes, J.J. 1943. Himenópteros de Espana. EOS Revista Española de Entomologia 19:79-118.:87 ( listed as synonym of Cyphononyx croceicornis Erichson in Forster, 1844); Priesner, 1955Priesner, H. 1955. A review of the Pompilidae of Egypt (Hymenoptera). Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 39:1-215.:29 (key and fauna); Wolf, 1966Wolf, H. 1966. Pompiliden aus der Sammlung A. Giordani Soika (Hym. Pompilidae) II. Boll. Mus. Civ. Sto. Nat. Venezia 17:47-56. (distribution), 47 (fauna). - As Mygnimia flavicornis: - Smith, 1855Smith, F. 1855. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part III, Mutillidae and Pompilidae. :203 pp, 5 pl.:185 (listed); Dalla Torre, 1897Dalla Torre, C.G. 1897. Catalogus hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Volumen VIII: Fossores (Sphegidae). Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig. 1-749.:215 ( listed as synonym of Salius bretonii (Guérin, 1844)). - As Pepsis flavicornis: - Fabricius, 1804Fabricius, J.C. 1804. Systema Piezatorum secundum Ordines, Genera, Species adiectis Synonymis, Locis, Observationibus, Descriptionibus. Apud Carolum Reichard, Brunsvigae. xiv + 440 + 30 pp.:216 (listed); Cameron, 1891Cameron, P. 1891. Hymenoptera Orientalis; or contributions to a knowledge of the Hymenoptera of the Oriental Zoological Region. Part III. Memoirs and proceedings of the Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society ser. 4:431-481.:443 (listed); Dalla Torre, 1897Dalla Torre, C.G. 1897. Catalogus hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Volumen VIII: Fossores (Sphegidae). Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig. 1-749.:215 ( listed as synonym of Salius bretonii (Guérin, 1844)); Lucas, 1919Lucas, R. 1919. Pompiliden-Studien. I. Arch. Naturgesch., A. 83 (5):1-180+3 pls. (distribution); Banks, 1944Banks, N. 1944. The Psammocharidae (Hymenoptera) taken at Kartabo and other localities in British Guiana. Zoologica 29:97-112. (distribution); Vardy, 2005Vardy, C.R. 2005. The New World tarantula-hawk wasp genus Pepsis Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Part 3. The P. inclyta- to P. auriguttata-groups. Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden 79 (5):1-305.:288 (listed). - As Priocnemis flavicornis: - Taschenberg, 1869Taschenberg, E.L. 1869. Die Pompiliden des Museums der Universität Halle. Zeitschrift für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 34:25-75.:34 (listed). - As Salius flavicornis: - Cameron, 1891Cameron, P. 1891. Hymenoptera Orientalis; or contributions to a knowledge of the Hymenoptera of the Oriental Zoological Region. Part III. Memoirs and proceedings of the Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society ser. 4:431-481. (distribution), 443 (listed); Fox, 1896Fox, W. 1896. The Hymenoptera collected by Dr. A. Donaldson Smith in Northeast Africa. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 48:547-560. (distribution).
Cyphononyx ambiguus Dahlbom, 1845:461 (key), ♂ Synonymized with Cyphononyx antarctica (Linnaeus, 1767) by Wahis, 2003Wahis, R. 2003. Sur quelques Pompilides peu connus de la collection Dahlbom appartenant aux genres Cyphononyx et Leptodialepis (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae; Pepsinae). Not. faun. Gembloux 51:59-70.:63. - Dalla Torre, 1897Dalla Torre, C.G. 1897. Catalogus hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Volumen VIII: Fossores (Sphegidae). Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig. 1-749.:212 (listed); Kohl, 1906Kohl, F.F. 1906. Zoologische Ergebnisse der Expedition der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften nach Südarabien und Sokotra im Jahre 1898-1899. Hymenopteren. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw. Kl. 71:169-301.:262 (listed). - As Salius ambiguus: - Dalla Torre, 1897Dalla Torre, C.G. 1897. Catalogus hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Volumen VIII: Fossores (Sphegidae). Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig. 1-749.:212 (listed).
Salius irenensis Cameron, 1910:122, ♂. ♂, Irene, November (leg. Mr. A.J.T. Janse). - Arnold, 1932Arnold, G. 1932. The Psammocharidae (olim Pompilidae) of the Ethiopian region. Part I. Subfamily Pepsinae. Ann. Transvaal Mus. 14:284-396.:300 ( listed as synonym of Cyphononyx flavicornis antennatus (Smith, 1855)).


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Area distribution map

map of Cyphononyx antarctica     (Linnaeus, 1767)


(Lucas, 1919 [as Pepsis flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)])
(Haupt, 1950 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)]; Priesner, 1955 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)])
(Radoszkowski, 1888 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis Dahlbom, 1845 = Fabricius, 1781]; Haupt, 1950 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)])
(Fox, 1896 [as Salius flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)]; Haupt, 1950 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)])
(Banks, 1944 [as Pepsis flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)])
(Fabricius, 1781 [as Sphex flavicornis Fabricius, 1781]; Dahlbom, 1845 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)]; Magretti, 1884 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)]; Cameron, 1891 [as Salius flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)]; Kohl, 1906 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis Dahlbom, 1845 = Fabricius, 1781])
(Haupt, 1962 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)]; Priesner, 1966 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)])
ITA-SicItaly - Sicilia
(Haupt, 1950 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)])
SYRSyrian Arab Republic
(Haupt, 1950 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)])
(Wolf, 1966 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis Dahlbom, 1845 = Fabricius, 1781]; Wolf, 1966 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)]; Koçak & Kemal, 2015 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)])
(Wahis, 2000)
ZAFSouth Africa
(Dahlbom, 1845 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)]; Magretti, 1884 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)]; Kohl, 1906 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis Dahlbom, 1845 = Fabricius, 1781]; Cameron, 1910 [as Salius irenensis Cameron, 1910]; Haupt, 1950 [as Cyphononyx flavicornis (Fabricius, 1781)]; Day, 1979)


  • Arnold, G. 1932. The Psammocharidae (olim Pompilidae) of the Ethiopian region. Part I. Subfamily Pepsinae. Ann. Transvaal Mus. 14:284-396.
  • Banks, N. 1944. The Psammocharidae (Hymenoptera) taken at Kartabo and other localities in British Guiana. Zoologica 29:97-112.
  • Cameron, P. 1891. Hymenoptera Orientalis; or contributions to a knowledge of the Hymenoptera of the Oriental Zoological Region. Part III. Memoirs and proceedings of the Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society ser. 4:431-481.
  • Cameron, P. 1910. On the aculeate Hymenoptera collected by Mr. A .J. T. Janse, Normal College, Pretoria, in the Transvaal. Ann. Transvaal Mus. 2:116-167.
  • Dahlbom, A.G. 1845. Hymenoptera Europaea Praecipue Borealia-per familias, genera, species et varietates disposita atque descripta. Sphex Linn. Fasciculus III.: Crabronidarum continuatio et finis, Supplementum I. 353-528.
  • Dalla Torre, C.G. 1897. Catalogus hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Volumen VIII: Fossores (Sphegidae). Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig. 1-749.
  • Day, M.C. 1979. The species of Hymenoptera described by Linnaeus in the genera Sphex, Chrysis, Vespa, Apis and Mutilla. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 12:45-84.
  • Fabricius, J.C. 1781. Species Insectorum exhibentes eorum differentiae specificas, synonyma, auctorum, locanatalia, metamorphosin. Vol. 1. Hamburgi et Kilonii. iii-viii + 552 pp.
  • Fabricius, J.C. 1787. Mantissa insectorum sistens species nuper detectas adiectis characteribus genericis, differentiis specificis, emendationibus, observationibus. Tome I. Proft, Hafniae [=Copenhagen]. 348 pp.
  • Fabricius, J.C. 1793. Entomologia Systematica emendata et aucta. Vol. 2. Christian Gottlieb Proft, Hafniae. viii + 519 pp.
  • Fabricius, J.C. 1804. Systema Piezatorum secundum Ordines, Genera, Species adiectis Synonymis, Locis, Observationibus, Descriptionibus. Apud Carolum Reichard, Brunsvigae. xiv + 440 + 30 pp.
  • Fox, W. 1896. The Hymenoptera collected by Dr. A. Donaldson Smith in Northeast Africa. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 48:547-560.
  • Gribodo, G. 1884. Spedizione Italiana nell' Africa`equatoriale. Risultati zoologici.-Imenotteri. Memoria Secunda. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova Giacomo Doria 2 (1):277-325.
  • Gribodo, G. 1884. Viaggio ad Assab nel Mar Rosso, die signori G. Doria ed O. Beccari con il R. Avviso (Esploratore) dal 16 Novembre 1879 al 26 Febbraio 1880. III. Imenotteri. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova Giacomo Doria 1 (20):381-392.
  • Haupt, H. 1950. Pompilidae (Hymenoptera Sphecoidea). Exploration du Parc National Albert. Mission G. F. De Witte (1933-1935) 69:1-63.
  • Haupt, H. 1962. The Pompilidae of Israel. Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel 11B:1-70.
  • Junco y Reyes, J.J. 1943. Himenópteros de Espana. EOS Revista Española de Entomologia 19:79-118.
  • Koçak, A.Ö. & M. Kemal 2015. Hymenoptera of Turkey. Priamus (Suppl.) 38:1-393.
  • Kohl, F.F. 1906. Zoologische Ergebnisse der Expedition der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften nach Südarabien und Sokotra im Jahre 1898-1899. Hymenopteren. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw. Kl. 71:169-301.
  • Linnaeus, C. 1767. . 533-1327.
  • Lucas, R. 1919. Pompiliden-Studien. I. Arch. Naturgesch., A. 83 (5):1-180+3 pls.
  • Magretti, P. 1884. Risultati di raccolte imenotterologiche nell' Africa orientale. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova Giacomo Doria ser. 2 (v. 21):523-636.
  • Pate, V.S.L. 1946. The generic names of the spider wasps (Psammocharidae olim Pompiloidae) and their type species. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 72:65-137.
  • Priesner, H. 1955. A review of the Pompilidae of Egypt (Hymenoptera). Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 39:1-215.
  • Priesner, H. 1966. On some Pompilidae of Israel. Israel J. Ent. 1:89-154.
  • Radoszkowski, O. 1888. Révision des armures copulatrices des mâles de la famille Pompilidae. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 2:462-493.
  • Smith, F. 1855. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part III, Mutillidae and Pompilidae. :203 pp, 5 pl.
  • Taschenberg, E.L. 1869. Die Pompiliden des Museums der Universität Halle. Zeitschrift für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 34:25-75.
  • Turner, R.E. 1918. Notes on Fossorial Hymenoptera. - XXXIV. On Ethiopian Psammocharidae in the British Museum. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History ser. 9: v. 1:349-356.
  • Vardy, C.R. 2005. The New World tarantula-hawk wasp genus Pepsis Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Part 3. The P. inclyta- to P. auriguttata-groups. Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden 79 (5):1-305.
  • Wahis, R. 2000. Hyménoptères aculéates du Yemen (Pompiliae, Vespidae). Not. faun. Gembloux 41:73-100.
  • Wahis, R. 2003. Sur quelques Pompilides peu connus de la collection Dahlbom appartenant aux genres Cyphononyx et Leptodialepis (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae; Pepsinae). Not. faun. Gembloux 51:59-70.
  • Wolf, H. 1966. Pompiliden aus der Sammlung A. Giordani Soika (Hym. Pompilidae) II. Boll. Mus. Civ. Sto. Nat. Venezia 17:47-56.