Genus Cremastobaeus Ashmead, 1893
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Cremastobaeus annulipes Ashmead, 1895 | 0 |
Cremastobaeus bicolor Ashmead, 1893 | 0 |
Cremastobaeus niger Ashmead, 1894 | 0 |
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- Cremastobaeus
Ashmead, 1893 Ashmead, W.H. A monograph of the North American Proctotrypidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 45:1-472.:228. Type species: Cremastobaeus bicolorAshmead, 1894 Ashmead, W.H. Report on the Parasitic Cynipidae, part of the Braconidae, the Ichneumonidae, the Proctotrypidae, and part of the Chalcididae. - Part III. Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Zoology) 25:188-254. [ = Cremastobaeus bicolorAshmead, 1893 Ashmead, W.H. A monograph of the North American Proctotrypidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 45:1-472.], by original designation and monotypy.