
Error message

  • Deprecated function: Optional parameter $page declared before required parameter $type is implicitly treated as a required parameter in require() (line 5 of /mnt/web118/c2/77/51582777/htdocs/drupal/modules/hymis_core/hymis_core.module).
  • Deprecated function: Optional parameter $interval declared before required parameter $type is implicitly treated as a required parameter in require() (line 5 of /mnt/web118/c2/77/51582777/htdocs/drupal/modules/hymis_core/hymis_core.module).
  • Deprecated function: Optional parameter $char declared before required parameter $base_url is implicitly treated as a required parameter in require() (line 10 of /mnt/web118/c2/77/51582777/htdocs/drupal/modules/hymis_index/hymis_index.module).
  • Deprecated function: Optional parameter $page declared before required parameter $base_url is implicitly treated as a required parameter in require() (line 10 of /mnt/web118/c2/77/51582777/htdocs/drupal/modules/hymis_index/hymis_index.module).

Genus Platygaster Latreille, 1809


Platygaster affinis Fouts, 19250
Platygaster americana (Ashmead, 1887)0
Platygaster anura Fouts, 19250
Platygaster baccharicola (Ashmead, 1887)0
Platygaster caryae Ashmead, 18930
Platygaster errans Fouts, 19240
Platygaster feltii Fouts, 19200
Platygaster filicaudis Fouts, 19250
Platygaster floridensis Ashmead, 18870
Platygaster hyalinipennis (Ashmead, 1887)0
Platygaster laevicollis (Ashmead, 1893)0
Platygaster laticeps (Ashmead, 1893)0
Platygaster longiventris (Ashmead, 1887)0
Platygaster melanocera (Ashmead, 1887)0
Platygaster minutissima Fouts, 19250
Platygaster pallipes Say, 18280
Platygaster pluto (Ashmead, 1887)0
Platygaster signata Fouts, 19250
Platygaster solidaginis (Ashmead, 1887)0
Platygaster striaticollis (Ashmead, 1893)0
Platygaster tacita Fouts, 19250
Platygaster texana Fouts, 19240
  • Platygaster Latreille, 1809:31. Type species: Platygaster ruficornis Latreille [ = Scelio ruficornis (Latreille)], by original designation and monotypy.

  • Keys: AshmeadAshmead, W.H. A monograph of the North American Proctotrypidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 45:1-472.:322-323 (North America); FoutsFouts, R.M. Revision of the North American wasps of the subfamily Platygasterinae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 63 (art. 15):1-145.:25-30 (North America);